人类不要战争抢土地. 宇宙发展和平永生存。




Humanity should not engage in war to seize land,                            

for the development of the universe and the eternal survival of peace.


人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。

人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。



Report on the Development and Application of the Artificial Celestial Body Octagonal Ark


Respected leaders at all levels of the international community, experts and professors, and news media:


hello everyone!


I have sent multiple emails hoping for early success. Please forgive me for the benefit of humanity.











Artificial celestial bodies form aerial cities. Living in harmony with heaven and earth, living a long, happy and free life!

It is a necessary path for the development of human space technology.

It is a public welfare undertaking for the permanent survival of humanity.

Developing the third type of artificial celestial body (the Octagonal Ark):

Success can only be achieved with the support and leadership of the United Nations and governments of various countries!

Success can only be achieved by combining the collective wisdom and strength of experts and professors!

It is necessary to innovate high-tech and metamaterials in the factory. Only through joint efforts and cooperation can we succeed!

(1) Based on current research conditions and national strength decisions, a pilot project for the development and application of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark will be conducted in Wenzhou, China, and will be successfully launched worldwide.

(2) Because it is a common cause of human public welfare, it is best for the whole nation to participate in the national interest. We want to go public through a backdoor listing in Hong Kong. Using collective funds to establish collective undertakings.

(3) Establishing a 'People's Society for Space Science' with collective infinite thinking and correct direction. The mindset of the Four Beauties, grand goals. To organize and manage the path and grand cause of the universe's advancement!



    Artificial celestial bodies, aerial cities. Living in heaven and earth, happiness and joy!






(5)   人造天体八角方舟运行轨道  ,   定理公式计划方案理论依据,请大家努力推翻,试试反证法。如果推翻不了,说明定理公式绝对正确!

Review and verification of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark: (reference)

(1) Proving the principle of submarine buoyancy and sinking can prove the difference in air pressure inside and outside the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark, as well as the principle of air buoyancy and sinking. It can prove the natural rise and fall principle of the third type of artificial celestial body, the Octagonal Ark, in the Earth's atmosphere.

(2) The deeper the submarine goes into the sea surface, the higher the sea pressure, and the more difficult it is to synthesize submarine materials. The artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark rises and falls into the Earth's atmosphere, with lower pressure as it moves away from the Earth, making the ascent and descent more natural and smooth. The more convenient the material is to synthesize.

(3) The greater the pressure on a person's body, the faster their metabolism. The lower the physical pressure, the slower the metabolism. This is like adding water to a cup, the pressure level can prove the time of adding water.

(4) The artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark can currently operate by utilizing the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the Earth's atmosphere. The development of technology can regulate the relationship between positive and negative magnetic fields, centrifugal force, and attractive force to move up and down. Scientific development can change the optimal method of ascent and descent, making space exploration absolutely feasible.

(5) The orbit of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark, the theoretical basis for the theorem formula plan, please strive to overturn it and try the method of proof by contradiction. If it cannot be overturned, it means that the theorem formula is absolutely correct!




人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。








The moon is located in the gravitational field of the Earth according to theorems and formulas, relying on the effect of gravitational viscosity. Under the gravitational attraction of the Earth's gravitational field, the moon moves in the natural orbit of the Earth! In the future, there will be rules to follow when establishing an aerial city.


人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。

人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。

人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。

人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。

人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。

人类不要战争抢土地.     宇宙发展和平永生存。


这次人造天体八角方舟研制应用荣获欧洲国际发明创新金奖,十分感谢大家!目前已荣获俄罗斯阿基米德国际发明金奖,台湾高雄发明创新金奖,澳门国际发明金奖。荣获金奖,说明《人造天体八角方舟》研制应用已经得到各科研单位和国际社会上承认和许可!下步目标是争取诺贝尔物理奖,诺贝尔和平奖! 只有荣获最高荣誉奖,使人类早日进入宇宙和平发展幸福道路!


如果荣获诺贝尔物理奖,诺贝尔和平奖 ,我们就有了宇宙永久生活奋斗目标,才能产生对社会影响力和号召力。才能使广大人民提高弃战争意识,迎和平的伟大思维。全世界人民才有天地安家乐业快乐生活!


The development and application of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark has won the European International Invention and Innovation Gold Award. Thank you very much! At present, it has won the Archimedes International Invention Gold Award in Russia, the Kaohsiung Invention and Innovation Gold Award in Taiwan, and the Macao International Invention Gold Award. Winning the gold medal indicates that the development and application of "Artificial Celestial Octagonal Ark" has been recognized and licensed by various scientific research institutions and the international community! The next goal is to strive for the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Nobel Peace Prize! Only by winning the highest honor award can humanity enter the path of peaceful development and happiness in the universe as soon as possible!

Because humans only have space to build houses and build aerial cities. Living back and forth between heaven and earth, living a long, happy and joyful life! Only human life can be infinitely extended and survive!

If we win the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Nobel Peace Prize, we will have a permanent goal of living in the universe, which can generate social influence and appeal. Only by doing so can the vast majority of the people raise their awareness of abandoning war and embrace the great thinking of peace. Only people from all over the world have a place to settle down and live happily!

Please ask the Nobel Foundation, Nobel Jury, and all of you to build a house for the development of human technology – the universe. I hope everyone can vigorously promote and support the development and application of artificial celestial body octagonal ark, benefiting all humanity!










( i ) 科学发展而发展,乾坤生存永生存……

(6) The technology of building houses in the air is mature, the conditions are met, and there are many benefits!

(a) The synthesis of carbon fiber materials solves the problem of lightweight and solid artificial celestial structures.

(b) Solar thin film power generation enables the air temperature inside the sealed chamber of artificial celestial bodies to be adjustable, ensuring the safety of human life back and forth between heaven and earth.

(c) The ecological balance of the three states in the sealed warehouse allows for the breeding of chickens, fruits, and grains, enabling humans to live in the world for a long time. Peking University students successfully lived in the sealed warehouse for 370 days.

(d) Quantum communication, satellite positioning, China's Beidou alien network successfully established, and the direction of space operations remains unchanged!

(e) Artificial celestial bodies can combine natural forces with consciousness to send satellites into orbit, saving labor, energy, and waste. They can also form the Aerospace Internet of Things and interstellar connections.

(f) The Octagonal Ark can also be used as an atmospheric transportation vehicle. Due to the rotation of the Earth, if the Octagonal Ark rises and falls in the atmosphere, it can naturally travel to various parts of the world such as France or the United States. This fulfills Chairman Mao's poetic prophecy of 'walking 80000 miles a day while sitting on the ground'. Do you think it makes sense? It's safer than flying!

(g) Maybe? Currently, human life on Earth is short-lived. After leaving Earth, metabolism slows down and elemental cells reorganize under low temperature and pressure conditions, which may increase human lifespan. (As an ancient Chinese saying goes, one day in the sky and one year on earth can be tried.)

(h) The development of science, if artificial celestial bodies enter a perfect state, will link houses in various universes to form cities in the universe, and humans will live in the universe forever

(i) Scientific development leads to development, and the universe exists forever



Big game, strong momentum, stable situation, successful outcome!

Everyone's wisdom and strength, actively participate in joint research and development!


Hope to support cooperation and funding


The public welfare cause of humanity wants to go public through a shell listing in Hong Kong. Please provide support and guidance, thank you!



For the peace and eternal happiness of humanity, we should not hold views or ideas on war, but instead develop a mindset towards space science and peaceful survival!

I believe that the development and application of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark, the planning scheme, and the theorem formula are absolutely correct! Hope everyone carefully reviews and argues! Support cooperation as soon as possible and make great contributions to the cause of human space science and peace and happiness!


It's not scientific delusions, it's scientific research building. 

Life on Earth is limited, and time in the universe is infinite!



Artificial celestial bodies, aerial cities.

Living in heaven and earth, a paradise!



Artificial celestial octagonal ark

Theoretical Foundation of Planning Scheme – Development and Application of Theorem Formulas







 The current international situation is constantly deteriorating, which can easily lead to war disasters and bring infinite difficulties and suffering to people's lives.

 Time is tight, and governments around the world urgently need to abandon war and establish a peaceful mindset. Strive for the early development and application of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark by humans, and build a space city in the sky. Transfer the mindset of war and move towards the path of peaceful development in the universe!

  Developing towards space science and building aerial cities. Build houses and cities in the universe. It is a necessary path for the future development of human science. Sky City has become a paradise for natural life in the universe. In the future, everyone can freely travel back and forth between heaven and earth. Live a happy and long life in the universe and nature, benefiting all humanity!

  The development and application of artificial celestial body octagonal ark is a magnificent and advanced space science and development application system engineering in the international community! We need governments and experts from various countries to unite and work together. Relying on collective wisdom and strength, we have successfully developed and developed applications and living environments for human beings in the universe!

If everyone cannot overturn my theorem, formula, plan, and scheme. Explanation: The natural orbit, theorem formulas, and planning scheme of the artificial celestial body Octagonal Ark are absolutely correct! Please believe that we have the ambitious confidence to design and develop artificial celestial bodies, becoming an aerial city where natural and human beings can freely reside in heaven and earth!!!


Therefore, I invite leaders, experts and professors from various countries, as well as research institutions under the leadership of the Chinese Party and government, to come to Wenzhou, China for research and discussion, and to jointly explore cooperation! Because the development of space science does not distinguish between countries or ethnic groups. We need to have a broad perspective and advanced thinking, as well as high-tech knowledge. Because everyone is a citizen of the universe and Earth. Unity is strength! Unity, love, and morality bring hope for peace and happiness! If the development and application are successful, the artificial celestial octagonal ark will be deployed to various parts of the world, forming the universe, nature, and aerial cities. Nature has become a means of transportation for all planets in the universe, and a link between them! When humans travel through heaven and earth, there are rules to follow.



Nowadays, space agencies and research institutions around the world launch satellites to form an interstellar chain or space station, powered by rockets. The ascending velocity, orbital height, and velocity are calculated based on Newton's theorem and Kepler's laws of velocity and mass. The disadvantage is:

The rapid high pressure and high temperature generated by rocket ascent and descent make people unsafe. It also brings air pollution. The space debris generated by rocket separation poses a threat to the space environment. Due to its high dependence on energy, the pop

关于作者: yft521




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